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mercoledì 2 febbraio 2011

MechWarrior: Living Legends - Update 0.4.7

Gli sviluppatori di MechWarrior: Living Legends hanno rilasciato oggi l'aggiornamento alla versione 0.4.7, comodamente scaricabile tramite l'Autoupdate (consigliamo di lanciare direttamente MWLL.AutoUpdater.exe presente nella cartella di MWLL, senza passare per il launcher).

Riportiamo direttamente la news nella sua completezza:

Today we are releasing the promised hotfix to the Thor / Loki crashes people are experiencing since our 0.4.5 Update. This will get rid of 42% of all the crashes currently occuring in the beta that have been reported by our debug testers. Thank you for your Crashlogs and keep them coming!

We also addressed an issue with the PPC particle effect causing clients to crash under certain circumstances.

You should see an improved stability when running 0.4.7 with this patch – especially since the Thor and Loki are a commonly seen Mech on the battlegrounds.

Link per l'update off-line da scaricare ed installare:

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