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martedì 28 dicembre 2010

Call of Duty 4 - Star Wars Mod: Galactic Warfare 1.0 beta

Mesi fa avevamo segnalato un interessantissimo mod per Call of Duty 4 (più conosciuto come Modern Warfare), ovvero Star Wars Mod: Galactic Warfare.
Proprio di questi giorni è la notizia che lo sviluppo ha raggiunto un'altra milestone ovvero il rilascio della versione 1.0 beta:

La beta non è stata ancora non resa pubblica, ma lasciamo la parola agli stessi autori del mod:

Dear friends of Star Wars Mod: Galactic Warfare, Season's Greetings from us!
We at blackMonkeys would like to wish every one of our visitors and friends a very Merry Christmas. We hope that you have a very fun and safe holiday with your family.

Exactly one year more of modding, mapping, drinking and scripting is basically done since the first release of Star Wars Mod: Galactic Warfare for COD4 (Xmas 2009). Today we are happy to present our v1.0b which is basically the beta version of our first "final" release. We hope you will enjoy our small Xmas gift.

The mod is a non-profit project operated by fans. Star Wars, its characters, locations, weapons and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. ©2009 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™ All rights reserved.
This version contains the known four maps ("Mos Eisly", “Bespin”, “Bestine” and “Not A Cave”) as well as two versions of the new "Jundland" . There is also a new killstreak called "viper droid". Y-Wing and Tie-Bomber are now part of the killstreak "airstrike" (finally!). We have also fixed some bugs of the gametype "Very Important Droid" (VID).
Thanks to all who supported us within the last months. We are still stunned by the enormous feedback we have received. Around 75000 downloads and more than 800000 visitors on our YouTube Channels are the backbone of our motivation to go on with the mod. A lot of your ideas and recommendations are already integrated to this release and others (e.g. for maps) might follow. A lot of players were complaining that they can not find crowded servers. Thats why we wont officially release this beta version (but of course the final one).

A breve pertanto è atteso il rilascio pubblico!

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