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giovedì 28 ottobre 2010

Hexen: Edge of Chaos - Pronto ed in uscita per Novembre 2010!

Finalmente possiamo rispondere alla domanda posta alcune settimane fa!

Sì cari giocatori e modder, uno dei più ambizioni mod per Doom 3 e a lungo in fase di sviluppo, Hexen: Edge of Chaos, è pronto!

Ecco la news originale in tutto il suo fragore:

Hear! Hear! That time is near! We have been crunching away every day and it's all wrapping up. At this time, we would like to announce our planned release of the first playable version of our game Hexen: Edge of Chaos for November 2010.
It will contain the Cleric's first hub which consists of 3 full maps and some 1.5 to 2 hours of gameplay. You will fight monsters, solve puzzles, fail puzzles, use weapons, utilize artifacts, break lots of stuff, and curse our names to Chaos when you most likely die a few times along the way. Surely you all expect some degree of obscurity that comes with puzzles for this game... and the price for failure is steep...

We know, we know! We've read comments from followers: "Don't tease us!" and "Oh you silly people... causing a frenzy with your single image release! We need MEAT!". (Ed: Soylent Ettin is made out of people!) Well then, we say how about something more!
For you today, in our state of excitement, we have a Hexen: Edge of Chaos wallpaper in various formats....even for your iPhone! All made from our specially talented artist Slash.
Also for you today is a very special clip. If you've read our history journals then you are aware of what happened to the past heroes, and also know that strange things are brewing. Well... YOU have been summoned! Evil things are happening indeed in this world... Will you answer the dear Astronomer's call??

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