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sabato 7 maggio 2011

Supporto per modding in arrivo per Call of Duty: Black Ops

Altra notizia di grande valore, dopo la conferma della futura distribuzione di tool di sviluppo ufficiali per Rage: Black Ops, ultimo capitolo della rinomata saga Call of Duty, verrà dotato nelle prossime settimane del supporto al modding, supporto di cui la serie era stata privata nel sesto capitolo (Modern Warfare 2)!

Una notizia che apre decisamente scenari interessantie che riportiamo estesamente da ModDB:

Not sure how we missed this news, but thanks to this post on GameFront word is out that modding support is coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops in May. The story broke after a twitter post by one of the Treyarch developers, was officially confirmed by the community manager.
Call of Duty is the biggest FPS franchise in the world netting over a billion in sales, and previous versions of the game such as Call of Duty 4 have had huge modding popularity. This is excellent news because the controversial previous version of the game Modern Warfare 2, famously ignored the PC community pleas of dedicated servers and modding support. Which occurred despite the fact that many of the new features found in that game, were ideas first explored by the CoD4 modding community.

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