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lunedì 9 maggio 2011

Video per il Community Story Project per Gothic 3

Mesi fa abbiamo accennato all'esistenza del Community Story Project, un (mega)mod per Gothic 3 volto a rendere più avvincente la trama di questo titolo tramite nuove quest che non solo stimoleranno maggiormente l'esplorazione del vasto mondo di Myrtana e terre limitrofe, ma andranno ad innestarsi in quella principale con lo scopo di conferirle quello spessore e quella profondità che a molti sono sembrati mancare nel lavoro originale opera dei Piranha Bytes.

Alcuni giorni gli sviluppatori del mod hanno rilasciato sul sito ufficiale un teaser trailer che noi vi riproponiamo qui su Modder Cove, insieme alla news:

It is Easter and we, the CSP Team, have a small gift for you. A video (see link below) is supposed to show you what our CSP technicians are capable of. A dynamic world will await you, which will change markedly as you progress through the game. The wall that is presented in the video, was taken from the addon Forsaken Gods. It again serves to prevent access to the pass to Nordmar. Everything that you will see in the video has a logical background, that will be explained to you in the completed Mod.
We also would like you to know that we are progressing well in all areas. The first three chapters are almost finished. Also all bigger side quests, like the pirate quests or the quests that evolve around Lee’s revenge, are nearing their completion. And the planned Big Final is becoming more and more substance. However, we also want you to know that a lot of things still have to be done, and that it is going to take several months… before we can start tuning the balance and begin the final tests.

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