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Riportiamo ora la news per esteso, direttamente dal sito ufficiale:
In addition to numerous bug fixes, performance improvements and gameplay additions this release adds the long-0utstanding Solaris Arena gamemode to the list of playable game types with none other than the supremely talented voice actor George Ledoux to reprise his role as the original voice of Solaris Arena announcer Duncan Fisher.
New Features
- new game mode : Solaris Arena (SA)
- new game mode : Last Man Standing (LMS)
- SA/LMS custom scoring & awards system (differs from TSA/TC)
- map auto-downloader system enabled with custom z-lib extractor library
- TC maps can be used for TSA and ToS game modes
- new Solaris Arena map: SA_Glory
- new Solaris Arena map: SA_HelsGate
- new Solaris Arena map: SA_Jungle
- new Terrain Control map: TC_Sandblasted
- Duncan Fisher Solaris Arena Announcer audio
- single bay ‘Mech hangar prefab
- SA stadium model & crowd texture
- SA camtower model
- SA promotional posters
- SA clan recruitment posters
- numerous other features
- heavily optimised TC_DeathValley map to reduce drawcalls and texture memory usage
- class based sound channel calling system for vehicles
- various Oneshot and MaxChannels issues resolved with sound palette
- tracked vehicle handling improved globally, less slip on inclined surfaces
- several particles have been refactored (ex. PPC, AC2/5, LRM trails) to improve performance
- numerous other improvements
- new Uziel “D” and “E” variants
- AC10/UAC10 now have faster projectile speed
- AC10/UAC10 primary and secondary damage improved
- lowered tonnage for Clan Medium and Large Heavy Lasers
- corrected Sparrowhawk variants
- laser weapons now make audible impact sounds
- screen shake from SRM/SSRM/ATM reduced
- aerospace must land to rearm by default
- hitboxes improved for all ground vehicles, Madcat, Mk2
- BA TAG range increased to 550m
- Removed UAC “double jeopardy” cooldown penalty
- numerous other improvements and changes
L'installazione (come i futuri aggiornamenti) avviene sempre tramite l'Auto Updater: la procedura è completamente guidata ed automatizzata e l'unica cosa di dovrà munirsi chi è intenzionato a provare questa beta è la pazienza, dato che la dimensione del download è decisamente imponente per un mod: 2,43 GB.
Alcuni screenshots per stimolare l'appetito:
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